Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 6449

Type strain: Yes

Species: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus

Strain Designation: 14, Lb.14

Culture col. no.: DSM 20081, ATCC 11842, NCDO 1489, WDCM 00102, CCUG 41390, CIP 101027, LMG 6901, IMET 10708, JCM 1002, BCRC 10696, CCM 7190, CCUG 21450, CECT 4005, IAM 12472, IFO 13953, KCTC 3635, LMG 13551, NBRC 13953, NCFB 1489, NCIMB 11778, NCTC 12712, NRIC 1688, VKM B-1923, VTT E-96662

Strain history: CIP <- 1984, DSMZ <- ATCC <- P.A. Hansen: strain Lb14, Lactobacillus bulgaricus <- S. Orla-Jensen: strain 14, Thermobacterium bulgaricum

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Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 14 is an anaerobe, Gram-positive bacterium that was isolated from bulgarian yoghourt.

  1. Gram-positive
  2. anaerobe
  3. 16S sequence
  4. Bacteria
  5. genome sequence
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #8508] Culture collection no. DSM 20081, ATCC 11842, NCDO 1489, WDCM 00102, CCUG 41390, CIP 101027, LMG 6901, IMET 10708, JCM 1002, BCRC 10696, CCM 7190, CCUG 21450, CECT 4005, IAM 12472, IFO 13953, KCTC 3635, LMG 13551, NBRC 13953, NCFB 1489, NCIMB 11778, NCTC 12712, NRIC 1688, VKM B-1923, VTT E-96662
    [Ref.: #75922] *
    Literature: Only first 10 entries are displayed. Click here to see all.Click here to see only first 10 entries.
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    Pathogenicity Global transcriptomic analysis of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ATCC11842 reveals the role of LDB_RS05285 in the post-acidification of yogurt. Zhang S, Li D, Zhang X, Sun Y, Xu S, Wang X, Zhang N, Wang M, Tian H, Li C Food Funct 10.1039/d1fo01357b 2021 *
    Genetics Whole-genome sequencing and genomic-based acid tolerance mechanisms of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus LJJ. Li W, Yang L, Nan W, Lu J, Zhang S, Ujiroghene OJ, Pang X, Lv J Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 10.1007/s00253-020-10788-5 2020 *
    Metabolism Effects of ccpA gene deficiency in Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus under aerobic conditions as assessed by proteomic analysis. Zhang G, Liu L, Li C Microb Cell Fact 10.1186/s12934-020-1278-7 2020 *
    Metabolism A selective medium for the enumeration and differentiation of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus. Nwamaioha NO, Ibrahim SA J Dairy Sci 10.3168/jds.2017-14155 2018 *
    Metabolism Formation of tyramine in yoghurt during fermentation - Interaction between yoghurt starter bacteria and Lactobacillus plantarum. Yilmaz C, Gokmen V Food Res Int 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.04.014 2017 *
    Metabolism Transferase Activity of Lactobacillal and Bifidobacterial beta-Galactosidases with Various Sugars as Galactosyl Acceptors. Arreola SL, Intanon M, Wongputtisin P, Kosma P, Haltrich D, Nguyen TH J Agric Food Chem 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b06009 2016 *
    Metabolism Catabolite responsive element deficiency of xyl operon resulting in carbon catabolite derepression in Lactobacillus fermentum 1001. Zhang C, Guo T, Xin Y, Gao X, Kong J J Appl Microbiol 10.1111/jam.12990 2015 *
    Biotechnology Enhancing the light-driven production of D-lactate by engineering cyanobacterium using a combinational strategy. Li C, Tao F, Ni J, Wang Y, Yao F, Xu P Sci Rep 10.1038/srep09777 2015 *
    Metabolism Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 suppresses fatty acid release through enlargement of fat emulsion size in vitro and promotes fecal fat excretion in healthy Japanese subjects. Ogawa A, Kobayashi T, Sakai F, Kadooka Y, Kawasaki Y Lipids Health Dis 10.1186/s12944-015-0019-0 2015 *
    Enzymology Major Role of NAD-Dependent Lactate Dehydrogenases in the Production of l-Lactic Acid with High Optical Purity by the Thermophile Bacillus coagulans. Wang L, Cai Y, Zhu L, Guo H, Yu B Appl Environ Microbiol 10.1128/AEM.01864-14 2014 *

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