Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 17779

Type strain: Yes

Species: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans

Strain Designation: OS1

Culture col. no.: DSM 22491, ATCC BAA-1850

Strain history: <- R. S. Tanner, Dept. Botany and Microbiol., Univ. Oklahoma, USA; OS1 <- R. S. Tanner {2007}

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Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans OS1 is an anaerobe, chemoorganotroph, thermophilic bacterium that was isolated from oil water separation unit effluent.

  1. Gram-negative
  2. rod-shaped
  3. anaerobe
  4. chemoorganotroph
  5. thermophilic
  6. 16S sequence
  7. Bacteria
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #16360] Culture collection no. DSM 22491, ATCC BAA-1850
    [Ref.: #86770] *
    Topicarrow to sort Titlearrow to sort Authorsarrow to sort Journalarrow to sort DOIarrow to sort Yeararrow to sort
    Phylogeny Reclassification of Anaerobaculum mobile, Anaerobaculum thermoterrenum, Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans as Acetomicrobium mobile comb. nov., Acetomicrobium thermoterrenum comb. nov. and Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans comb. nov., respectively, and emendation of the genus Acetomicrobium. Hania WB, Bouanane-Darenfed A, Cayol JL, Ollivier B, Fardeau ML Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijsem.0.000910 2016 *
    Phylogeny Thermosynergistes pyruvativorans gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic, pyruvate-degrading bacterium from Shengli oilfield, and proposal of Thermosynergistaceae fam. nov. in the phylum Synergistetes. Yang M, Li J, Lv XM, Dai LR, Wu KJ, Tu B, Lawson PA, Tang YQ, Cheng L Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijsem.0.005031 2021 *
    Genetics Genome Sequence of Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans OS1. Cook LE, Gang SS, Ihlan A, Maune M, Tanner RS, McInerney MJ, Weinstock G, Lobos EA, Gunsalus RP Genome Announc 10.1128/genomeA.00581-18 2018 *
    Phylogeny Description of Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans sp. nov., an anaerobe that produces hydrogen from glucose, and emended description of the genus Anaerobaculum. Maune MW, Tanner RS Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijs.0.024349-0 2011 *

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