Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 17779

Type strain: Yes

Species: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans

Strain Designation: OS1

Strain history: <- R. S. Tanner, Dept. Botany and Microbiol., Univ. Oklahoma, USA; OS1 <- R. S. Tanner {2007}

For citation purpose refer to the digital object identifier (doi) of the current version.
version 9.2 (current version):
version 9:
version 8.1:
version 8:
version 7.1:
version 7:
version 6:
version 5:
version 4.1:
version 4:
version 3:
version 2.1:
version 2:
version 1:
version 9.2 (current version)


@ref: 16360

BacDive-ID: 17779

DSM-Number: 22491

keywords: 16S sequence, Bacteria, anaerobe, chemoorganotroph, thermophilic, Gram-negative, rod-shaped

description: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans OS1 is an anaerobe, chemoorganotroph, thermophilic bacterium that was isolated from oil water separation unit effluent.

NCBI tax id

NCBI tax idMatching level

strain history

  • @ref: 16360
  • history: <- R. S. Tanner, Dept. Botany and Microbiol., Univ. Oklahoma, USA; OS1 <- R. S. Tanner {2007}

doi: 10.13145/bacdive17779.20241212.9.2

Name and taxonomic classification


  • @ref: 20215
  • description: domain/bacteria
  • keyword: phylum/synergistota
  • domain: Bacteria
  • phylum: Synergistota
  • class: Synergistia
  • order: Synergistales
  • family: Synergistaceae
  • genus: Acetomicrobium
  • species: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans
  • full scientific name: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans (Maune and Tanner 2012) Ben Hania et al. 2016
  • synonyms

    • @ref: 20215
    • synonym: Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans

@ref: 16360

domain: Bacteria

phylum: Synergistetes

class: Synergistia

order: Synergistales

family: Synergistaceae

genus: Acetomicrobium

species: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans

full scientific name: Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans (Maune and Tanner 2012) Ben Hania et al. 2016

strain designation: OS1

type strain: yes


cell morphology

@refgram staincell lengthcell widthcell shapemotility
29890negative1.7-2.7 µm0.4-0.5 µmrod-shapedno

Culture and growth conditions

culture medium

  • @ref: 16360
  • name: ANAEROBACULUM MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 104a)
  • growth: yes
  • link:
  • composition: Name: ANAEROBACULUM MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 104a) Composition: Yeast extract 10.0 g/l Trypticase peptone 5.0 g/l Meat peptone 5.0 g/l Na2S2O3 x 5 H2O 2.5 g/l D-Glucose 1.0 g/l L-Cysteine HCl x H2O 0.5 g/l NaHCO3 0.4 g/l NaCl 0.08 g/l K2HPO4 0.04 g/l KH2PO4 0.04 g/l MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.02 g/l CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.01 g/l Sodium resazurin 0.0005 g/l Distilled water

culture temp


culture pH

@refabilitytypepHPH range

Physiology and metabolism

oxygen tolerance

@refoxygen tolerance
43698obligate anaerobe

nutrition type

  • @ref: 43698
  • type: chemoorganotroph

spore formation

@refspore formation


@refsaltgrowthtested relationconcentration
29890NaClpositivegrowth0.8-7 %
29890NaClpositiveoptimum10 %
43698NaClpositivegrowth0.8-70 g/L
43698NaClpositiveoptimum10 g/L

metabolite utilization

@refChebi-IDmetaboliteutilization activitykind of utilization tested
2989022653asparagine+carbon source
2989028757fructose+carbon source
2989017234glucose+carbon source
2989029987glutamate+carbon source
2989027570histidine+carbon source
2989025017leucine+carbon source
2989015792malonate+carbon source
2989017306maltose+carbon source
2989037684mannose+carbon source
2989028044phenylalanine+carbon source
2989015361pyruvate+carbon source
2989017822serine+carbon source
2989026986threonine+carbon source


43698cytochrome oxidase-

Isolation, sampling and environmental information


@refsample typegeographic locationcountryorigin.countrycontinent
16360oil water separation unit effluentAlaska, North Slope BoroughUSAUSANorth America
43698Oil production waterAlaskaUSAUSANorth America

isolation source categories

#Engineered#Industrial#Engineered product
#Engineered#Waste#Industrial wastewater


  • @ref: 69479
  • File name: preview.99_6502.png
  • url:;96_645;97_748;98_4796;99_6502&stattab=map
  • Last taxonomy: Acetomicrobium
  • 16S sequence: FJ862996
  • Sequence Identity:
  • Total samples: 265
  • soil counts: 9
  • aquatic counts: 199
  • animal counts: 38
  • plant counts: 19

Safety information

risk assessment

  • @ref: 16360
  • biosafety level: 1
  • biosafety level comment: Risk group (German classification)

Sequence information

16S sequences

  • @ref: 16360
  • description: Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans ATCC BAA-1850 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
  • accession: FJ862996
  • length: 1444
  • database: nuccore
  • NCBI tax ID: 592015

GC content

1636046.6high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

External links

@ref: 16360

culture collection no.: DSM 22491, ATCC BAA-1850

straininfo link

  • @ref: 86770
  • straininfo: 406226


Phylogeny21602364Description of Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans sp. nov., an anaerobe that produces hydrogen from glucose, and emended description of the genus Anaerobaculum.Maune MW, Tanner RSInt J Syst Evol Microbiol10.1099/ijs.0.024349-02011Alaska, Bacteria, Anaerobic/*classification/genetics/isolation & purification, Bacterial Typing Techniques, Base Composition, DNA, Bacterial/genetics, Extraction and Processing Industry, Fatty Acids/chemistry, Fermentation, Glucose/metabolism, Hydrogen/*metabolism, Molecular Sequence Data, Nucleic Acid Hybridization, Petroleum, Phospholipids/chemistry, *Phylogeny, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Waste Water/*microbiology, Water MicrobiologyMetabolism
Phylogeny26791251Reclassification of Anaerobaculum mobile, Anaerobaculum thermoterrenum, Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans as Acetomicrobium mobile comb. nov., Acetomicrobium thermoterrenum comb. nov. and Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans comb. nov., respectively, and emendation of the genus Acetomicrobium.Hania WB, Bouanane-Darenfed A, Cayol JL, Ollivier B, Fardeau MLInt J Syst Evol Microbiol10.1099/ijsem.0.0009102016
Genetics29954899Genome Sequence of Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans OS1.Cook LE, Gang SS, Ihlan A, Maune M, Tanner RS, McInerney MJ, Weinstock G, Lobos EA, Gunsalus RPGenome Announc10.1128/genomeA.00581-182018
Phylogeny34582328Thermosynergistes pyruvativorans gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic, pyruvate-degrading bacterium from Shengli oilfield, and proposal of Thermosynergistaceae fam. nov. in the phylum Synergistetes.Yang M, Li J, Lv XM, Dai LR, Wu KJ, Tu B, Lawson PA, Tang YQ, Cheng LInt J Syst Evol Microbiol10.1099/ijsem.0.0050312021Anaerobiosis, Bacteria, Bacterial Typing Techniques, Base Composition, DNA, Bacterial/genetics, Fatty Acids/chemistry, *Oil and Gas Fields, Phospholipids, Phylogeny, *Pyruvic Acid, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics, Sequence Analysis, DNATranscriptome


16360Curators of the DSMZLeibniz Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSM 22491)
20215Parte, A.C., Sardà Carbasse, J., Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Reimer, L.C. and Göker, M.10.1099/ijsem.0.004332List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ
29890Barberan A, Caceres Velazquez H, Jones S, Fierer N.10.1128/mSphere.00237-17Hiding in Plain Sight: Mining Bacterial Species Records for Phenotypic Trait Information2626328776041
43698Wajdi Ben Hania, Amel Bouanane-Darenfed, Jean-Luc Cayol, Bernard Ollivier, Marie-Laure Fardeau10.1099/ijsem.0.000910Reclassification of Anaerobaculum mobile, Anaerobaculum thermoterrenum, Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans as Acetomicrobium mobile comb. nov., Acetomicrobium thermoterrenum comb. nov. and Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans comb. nov., respectively, and emendation of the genus Acetomicrobium26791251IJSEM 66: 1506-1509 2016
69479João F Matias Rodrigues, Janko Tackmann,Gregor Rot, Thomas SB Schmidt, Lukas Malfertheiner, Mihai Danaila,Marija Dmitrijeva, Daniela Gaio, Nicolas Näpflin and Christian von Mering. University of Zurich. 1.0 beta
86770Reimer, L.C., Lissin, A.,Schober, I., Witte,J.F., Podstawka, A., Lüken, H., Bunk, B.,Overmann, J.10.60712/SI-ID406226.1StrainInfo: A central database for resolving microbial strain identifiers