Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 4104

Type strain: Yes

Species: Nitratidesulfovibrio oxamicus

Culture col. no.: DSM 1925, ATCC 33405, NCIMB 9442, VKM B-1766, Monticello 2

Strain history: <- NCIB <- J.R. Postgate, strain Monticello 2

NCBI tax ID(s): 32016 (species)

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Nitratidesulfovibrio oxamicus DSM 1925 is an anaerobe, motile bacterium that was isolated from mud.

  1. motile
  2. anaerobe
  3. 16S sequence
  4. Bacteria
  5. genome sequence
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #669] Culture collection no. DSM 1925, ATCC 33405, NCIMB 9442, VKM B-1766, Monticello 2
    [Ref.: #73607] *
    Topicarrow to sort Titlearrow to sort Authorsarrow to sort Journalarrow to sort DOIarrow to sort Yeararrow to sort
    Phylogeny Cupidesulfovibrio liaohensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel sulphate-reducing bacterium isolated from an oil reservoir and reclassification of Desulfovibrio oxamicus and Desulfovibrio termitidis as Cupidesulfovibrio oxamicus comb. nov. and Cupidesulfovibrio termitidis comb. nov. Wan YY, Luo N, Liu XL, Lai QL, Goodfellow M Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijsem.0.004618 2021 *
    Metabolism Microbial ecology of arsenic-mobilizing Cambodian sediments: lithological controls uncovered by stable-isotope probing. Hery M, Rizoulis A, Sanguin H, Cooke DA, Pancost RD, Polya DA, Lloyd JR Environ Microbiol 10.1111/1462-2920.12412 2014 *
    Phylogeny Reclassification of the sulfate- and nitrate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. oxamicus as Desulfovibrio oxamicus sp. nov., comb. nov. Lopez-Cortes A, Fardeau ML, Fauque G, Joulian C, Ollivier B Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijs.0.64074-0 2006 *

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