Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 16479

Type strain: Yes

Species: Streptomyces coacervatus

Strain Designation: AS-0823

Culture col. no.: DSM 41983, IFM 11055, JCM 17138

Strain history: A. Shibazaki AS-0823.

NCBI tax ID(s): 647381 (species)

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Streptomyces coacervatus AS-0823 is an aerobe, spore-forming, Gram-positive bacterium that builds an aerial mycelium and was isolated from intestinal tract of the common pill woodlouse Armadillidium vulgare.

  1. Gram-positive
  2. spore-forming
  3. aerobe
  4. 16S sequence
  5. Bacteria
  6. genome sequence
  • Information on culture and growth conditions Culture and growth conditionsarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #16594] Culture medium
    [Ref.: #16594] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #16594] Culture medium link Medium recipe at MediaDive MediaDive
    [Ref.: #16594] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    ISP 2
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    ISP 3
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    ISP 4
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    ISP 5
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    ISP 7
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    Suter with tyrosine
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium
    Suter without tyrosine
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #21419] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    Temperatures Kind of temperaturearrow to sort Temperaturearrow to sort
    [Ref.: #16594] growth 28  °C
    [Ref.: #29705] growth 10-37  °C
    [Ref.: #29705] optimum 23.5  °C
    [Ref.: #67770] growth 28  °C
    pH Kind of pHarrow to sort pHarrow to sort
    [Ref.: #29705] optimum 7.5
    [Ref.: #29705] growth 06-09

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