Mycobacterium petroleophilum DSM 44182 is a mesophilic Actinobacterium that was isolated from core sample from a drilling-well.
- mesophilic
- 16S sequence
- Information on the name and the taxonomic classification. Name and taxonomic classification
- Information on culture and growth conditions Culture and growth conditions
- Information on physiology and metabolism Physiology and metabolism
- Information on isolation source, the sampling and environmental conditions Isolation, sampling and environmental information
- Information on genomic background e.g. entries in nucleic sequence databass Sequence information
- Availability in culture collections External links
- References
#11580 Leibniz Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH ; Curators of the DSMZ; DSM 44182 -
#20218 Verslyppe, B., De Smet, W., De Baets, B., De Vos, P., Dawyndt P.: StrainInfo introduces electronic passports for microorganisms.. Syst Appl Microbiol. 37: 42 - 50 2014 ( DOI 10.1016/j.syapm.2013.11.002 , PubMed 24321274 ) - * These data were automatically processed and therefore are not curated
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