Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 7325

Type strain: Yes

Species: Frigoribacterium faeni

Strain Designation: 801

Strain history: CIP <- 2003, P. Kämpfer, Giessen Univ., Giessen, Germany: strain 801

NCBI tax ID(s): 145483 (species)

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Frigoribacterium faeni 801 is a Gram-positive bacterium that was isolated from hay dust.

  1. Gram-positive
  2. 16S sequence
  3. Bacteria
  4. genome sequence
  • Information on culture and growth conditions Culture and growth conditionsarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #3896] Culture medium
    [Ref.: #3896] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #3896] Culture medium link Medium recipe at MediaDive MediaDive
    [Ref.: #3896] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium
    ISP 2
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium
    ISP 3
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium
    ISP 4
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium
    ISP 5
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium
    ISP 6
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium
    ISP 7
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #18353] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #40723] Culture medium
    MEDIUM 72- for trypto casein soja agar
    [Ref.: #40723] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #40723] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    [Ref.: #119270] Culture medium
    CIP Medium 72
    [Ref.: #119270] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #119270] Culture medium link Medium recipe provided by DSMZ
    Temperatures Kind of temperaturearrow to sort Temperaturearrow to sort
    [Ref.: #3896] growth 10  °C
    [Ref.: #18353] optimum 20  °C
    [Ref.: #40723] growth 20  °C
    [Ref.: #67770] growth 25  °C
    [Ref.: #119270] growth 10-30  °C
    [Ref.: #119270] no growth 37  °C
    [Ref.: #119270] no growth 41  °C
    [Ref.: #119270] no growth 45  °C
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #3896] Culture collection no. DSM 10309, ATCC BAA-3, JCM 11265, KCTC 39911, CIP 107823, IAM 15122, NBRC 103066, VKM Ac-2505
    [Ref.: #76775] *
    Topicarrow to sort Titlearrow to sort Authorsarrow to sort Journalarrow to sort DOIarrow to sort Yeararrow to sort
    Phylogeny Frigoribacterium endophyticum sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacterium isolated from the root of Anabasis elatior (C. A. Mey.) Schischk. Wang HF, Zhang YG, Chen JY, Guo JW, Li L, Hozzein WN, Zhang YM, Wadaan MAM, Li WJ Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijs.0.000081 2015 *
    Phylogeny Glaciihabitans tibetensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a psychrotolerant bacterium of the family Microbacteriaceae, isolated from glacier ice water. Li AH, Liu HC, Xin YH, Kim SG, Zhou YG Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijs.0.052670-0 2013 *
    Phylogeny Frigoribacterium mesophilum sp. nov., a mesophilic actinobacterium isolated from Bigeum Island, Korea. Dastager SG, Lee JC, Ju YJ, Park DJ, Kim CJ Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijs.0.65637-0 2008 *
    Phylogeny Frigoribacterium faeni gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic genus of the family Microbacteriaceae. Kampfer P, Rainey FA, Andersson MA, Nurmiaho Lassila EL, Ulrych U, Busse HJ, Weiss N, Mikkola R, Salkinoja-Salonen M Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/00207713-50-1-355 2000 *

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