Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 5808

Type strain: Yes

Species: Geoalkalibacter ferrihydriticus

Strain Designation: Z-0531

Culture col. no.: DSM 17813, VKM B-2401

Strain history: <- D. G. Zavarzina, Winogradsky Inst. Microbiol., RAS, Moscow, Russia; Z-0531

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Geoalkalibacter ferrihydriticus Z-0531 is an anaerobe, mesophilic, Gram-negative bacterium that was isolated from deposits of soda lake.

  1. Gram-negative
  2. anaerobe
  3. mesophilic
  4. 16S sequence
  5. Bacteria
  6. genome sequence
  • Information on culture and growth conditions Culture and growth conditionsarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #7202] Culture medium
    [Ref.: #7202] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #7202] Culture medium link Medium recipe at MediaDive MediaDive
    [Ref.: #7202] Culture medium composition expand / minimize
    Temperatures Kind of temperaturearrow to sort Temperaturearrow to sort
    [Ref.: #7202] growth 35  °C
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #7202] Culture collection no. DSM 17813, VKM B-2401
    [Ref.: #75287] *
    arrow to sort Titlearrow to sort Authorsarrow to sort Journalarrow to sort DOIarrow to sort Yeararrow to sort
    Phylogeny Geoalkalibacter subterraneus sp. nov., an anaerobic Fe(III)- and Mn(IV)-reducing bacterium from a petroleum reservoir, and emended descriptions of the family Desulfuromonadaceae and the genus Geoalkalibacter. Greene AC, Patel BK, Yacob S Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijs.0.001537-0 2009 *
    Phylogeny [Geoalkalibacter ferrihydriticus gen. nov., sp. nov., the first alkaliphilic representative of the family Geobacteraceae, isolated from a soda lake]. Zavarzina DG, Kolganova TV, Bulygina ES, Kostrikina NA, Turova TP, Zavarzin GA Mikrobiologiia 2006 *
    Metabolism Geoalkalibacter halelectricus SAP-1 sp. nov. possessing extracellular electron transfer and mineral-reducing capabilities from a haloalkaline environment. Yadav S, Singh R, Sundharam SS, Chaudhary S, Krishnamurthi S, Patil SA Environ Microbiol 10.1111/1462-2920.16200 2022 *
    Genomes of Geoalkalibacter ferrihydriticus Z-0531T and Geoalkalibacter subterraneus Red1T, Two Haloalkaliphilic Metal-Reducing Deltaproteobacteria. Badalamenti JP, Krajmalnik-Brown R, Torres CI, Bond DR Genome Announc 10.1128/genomeA.00039-15 2015 *

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