Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 5316

Type strain: Yes

Species: Enterococcus hirae

Culture col. no.: DSM 20160, ATCC 8043, CCM 2423, CCUG 18659, CIP 53.48, CIP 82.112, JCM 8729, LMG 6399, NCDO 1258, NCIMB 6459, WDCM 00089, ATCC 9790, BCRC 11054, BCRC 12496, BCRC 80016, CCUG 1332, CCUG 19917, CECT 279, CECT 294, CECT 302, CFBP 4250, CGMCC 1.2140, HAMBI 1709, HAMBI 644, IAM 1262, IFO 3181, KCTC 2022, KCTC 3616, NBRC 3181, NCCB 46070, NCCB 58005, NCIMB 8123, NCIMB 8191, NCTC 12367, VKM B-2107, VTT E-97046, NCDO 997, NCTC 6459

Strain history: CIP <- 1953, ATCC, Streptococcus faecalis <- E. Snell, Streptococcus lactis R

NCBI tax ID(s): 768486 (strain), 1354 (species)

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Enterococcus hirae DSM 20160 is a microaerophile, spore-forming, Gram-positive human pathogen of the family Enterococcaceae.

  1. Gram-positive
  2. spore-forming
  3. human pathogen
  4. microaerophile
  5. 16S sequence
  6. Bacteria
  7. genome sequence
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #8584] Culture collection no. DSM 20160, ATCC 8043, CCM 2423, CCUG 18659, CIP 53.48, CIP 82.112, JCM 8729, LMG 6399, NCDO 1258, NCIMB 6459, WDCM 00089, ATCC 9790, BCRC 11054, BCRC 12496, BCRC 80016, CCUG 1332, CCUG 19917, CECT 279, CECT 294, CECT 302, CFBP 4250, CGMCC 1.2140, HAMBI 1709, HAMBI 644, IAM 1262, IFO 3181, KCTC 2022, KCTC 3616, NBRC 3181, NCCB 46070, NCCB 58005, NCIMB 8123, NCIMB 8191, NCTC 12367, VKM B-2107, VTT E-97046, NCDO 997, NCTC 6459
    [Ref.: #74805] *
    Literature: Only first 10 entries are displayed. Click here to see all.Click here to see only first 10 entries.
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    Enzymology Domestic fowl of ducks, a source of faecal bioactive Enterococcus hirae strains. Laukova A, Bino E, Scerbova J Pol J Vet Sci 10.24425/pjvs.2019.129958 2019 *
    Pathogenicity Antibacterial effects of iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles: distinguishing concentration-dependent effects with different bacterial cells growth and membrane-associated mechanisms. Gabrielyan L, Hovhannisyan A, Gevorgyan V, Ananyan M, Trchounian A Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 10.1007/s00253-019-09653-x 2019 *
    Enzymology The distinguishing effects of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation of different extremely high frequencies on Enterococcus hirae: growth rate inhibition and scanning electron microscopy analysis. Hovnanyan K, Kalantaryan V, Trchounian A Lett Appl Microbiol 10.1111/lam.12764 2017 *
    Metabolism Enterococcus hirae LcpA (Psr), a new peptidoglycan-binding protein localized at the division site. Marechal M, Amoroso A, Morlot C, Vernet T, Coyette J, Joris B BMC Microbiol 10.1186/s12866-016-0844-y 2016 *
    Phylogeny Enterococcus Xinjiangensis sp. nov., Isolated from Yogurt of Xinjiang, China. Ren X, Li M, Guo D Curr Microbiol 10.1007/s00284-016-1065-1 2016 *
    Pathogenicity Improved in vitro assay for determining the mucin adherence of bacteria sensitive to Triton X-100 treatment. Tsilia V, Van den Abbeele P, Van de Wiele T Folia Microbiol (Praha) 10.1007/s12223-015-0376-0 2015 *
    Metabolism Cu(II), Fe(III) and Mn(II) combinations as environmental stress factors have distinguishing effects on Enterococcus hirae. Vardanyan Z, Trchounian A J Environ Sci (China) 10.1016/j.jes.2014.06.043 2014 *
    Metabolism [Changes in ion transport through membranes, ATPase activity and antibiotics effects in Enterococcus hirae after low intensity electromagnetic irradiation of 51,8 and 53,0 GHz frequencies]. Torgomian E, Oganian V, Blbulian C, Trchunian A Biofizika 2013 *
    Metabolism The effects of manganese (II) but not nickel (II) ions on Enterococcus hirae cell growth, redox potential decrease, and proton-coupled membrane transport. Vardanyan Z, Trchounian A Cell Biochem Biophys 10.1007/s12013-013-9662-0 2013 *
    Genetics Genome sequence of Enterococcus hirae (Streptococcus faecalis) ATCC 9790, a model organism for the study of ion transport, bioenergetics, and copper homeostasis. Gaechter T, Wunderlin C, Schmidheini T, Solioz M J Bacteriol 10.1128/JB.01075-12 2012 *

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