Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 168032

Type strain: Yes

Species: Planococcus faecalis

Strain Designation: AJ003

Culture col. no.: CECT 8759, KCTC 33580

NCBI tax ID(s): 1598147 (species)

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Planococcus faecalis AJ003 is a bacterium of the family Caryophanaceae.

  1. 16S sequence
  2. Bacteria
  3. genome sequence
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #20215] Culture collection no. CECT 8759, KCTC 33580
    Topicarrow to sort Titlearrow to sort Authorsarrow to sort Journalarrow to sort DOIarrow to sort Yeararrow to sort
    Phylogeny Planococcus faecalis sp. nov., a carotenoid-producing species isolated from stools of Antarctic penguins. Kim JH, Kang HJ, Yu BJ, Kim SC, Lee PC Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 10.1099/ijsem.0.000423 2015 *
    Enzymology Genome Mining Reveals Two Missing CrtP and AldH Enzymes in the C30 Carotenoid Biosynthesis Pathway in Planococcus faecalis AJ003(T). Lee JH, Kim JW, Lee PC Molecules 10.3390/molecules25245892 2020 *
    Genetics Complete genome sequence of Planococcus faecalis AJ003(T), the type species of the genus Planococcus and a microbial C30 carotenoid producer. Kim JW, Choi BH, Kim JH, Kang HJ, Ryu H, Lee PC J Biotechnol 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.12.005 2017 *

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