Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 14289

Type strain: Yes

Species: Zymomonas mobilis

Strain Designation: pZM01 to pZM06

Variant: Isotype of BacDive ID 132836

Culture col. no.: DSM 424, ATCC 10988, NCIB 8938, NRRL B-806, IMG 1655, JCM 20722, CIP 102538, IAM 12663, ICPB 2463, NCIMB 8938, LMG 404

Strain history: CIP <- 1986, NCIB <- 1958, S.R. Elsden <- 1958, ATCC <- NRRL: strain B-806, Pseudomonas lindneri

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Zymomonas mobilis pZM01 to pZM06 is an anaerobe, mesophilic, Gram-negative bacterium that produces alcohol and was isolated from Agave sap.

  1. alcohol production
  2. Gram-negative
  3. rod-shaped
  4. anaerobe
  5. mesophilic
  6. 16S sequence
  7. Bacteria
  8. genome sequence
  • Availability in culture collections External linksarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #194] Culture collection no. DSM 424, ATCC 10988, NCIB 8938, NRRL B-806, IMG 1655, JCM 20722, CIP 102538, IAM 12663, ICPB 2463, NCIMB 8938, LMG 404
    Literature: Only first 10 entries are displayed. Click here to see all.Click here to see only first 10 entries.
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    Genetics Genome comparison of different Zymomonas mobilis strains provides insights on conservation of the evolution. Chen C, Wu L, Cao Q, Shao H, Li X, Zhang Y, Wang H, Tan X PLoS One 10.1371/journal.pone.0195994 2018 *
    Metabolism Unconventional bacterial association for dough leavening. Musatti A, Mapelli C, Foschino R, Picozzi C, Rollini M Int J Food Microbiol 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.08.011 2016 *
    Metabolism Reconstruction of a charge balanced genome-scale metabolic model to study the energy-uncoupled growth of Zymomonas mobilis ZM1. Motamedian E, Saeidi M, Shojaosadati SA Mol Biosyst 10.1039/c5mb00588d 2016 *
    Metabolism pZMO7-Derived shuttle vectors for heterologous protein expression and proteomic applications in the ethanol-producing bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. So LY, Chen WY, Lacap-Bugler DC, Seemann M, Watt RM BMC Microbiol 10.1186/1471-2180-14-68 2014 *
    Genetics Genome sequence of the ethanol-producing Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis lectotype strain ATCC 10988. Pappas KM, Kouvelis VN, Saunders E, Brettin TS, Bruce D, Detter C, Balakireva M, Han CS, Savvakis G, Kyrpides NC, Typas MA J Bacteriol 10.1128/JB.05395-11 2011 *
    Genetics The genome sequence of the ethanologenic bacterium Zymomonas mobilis ZM4. Seo JS, Chong H, Park HS, Yoon KO, Jung C, Kim JJ, Hong JH, Kim H, Kim JH, Kil JI, Park CJ, Oh HM, Lee JS, Jin SJ, Um HW, Lee HJ, Oh SJ, Kim JY, Kang HL, Lee SY, Lee KJ, Kang HS Nat Biotechnol 10.1038/nbt1045 2004 *
    Enzymology A simple and efficient method for the purification of membrane-bound levansucrase from Zymomonas mobilis. Vigants A, Hicke HG, Marx SP Curr Microbiol 10.1007/s002840010239 2001 *
    Genetics Characterization and replication properties of the Zymomonas mobilis ATCC 10988 plasmids pZMO1 and pZMO2. Arvanitis N, Pappas KM, Kolios G, Afendra AS, Typas MA, Drainas C Plasmid 10.1006/plas.2000.1480 2000 *
    Genetics Characterization of the mobilization region of the Zymomonas mobilis ATCC10988 plasmid pZMO3. Afendra AS, Vartholomatos G, Arvanitis N, Drainas C Plasmid 10.1006/plas.1998.1374 1999 *
    Enzymology Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of an extracellular sucrase gene (invB) of Zymomonas mobilis ZM1 (ATCC10988). Song KB, Lee SK, Joo HK, Rhee SK Biochim Biophys Acta 10.1016/0167-4781(94)90262-3 1994 *

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