Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 12736

Type strain: Yes

Species: Azotobacter chroococcum

Strain Designation: 43

Culture col. no.: DSM 2286, ATCC 9043, VKM B-1616, CCUG 53675, LMG 8756, CECT 4103, IAM 12666, IAM 15040, JCM 20725, BCRC 10599, ICMP 15214, JCM 21503, NBRC 102613, NCAIM B.01391, NCIMB 11694, NRRL B-14346, NRRL B-14637

Strain history: IAM 12666 <-- ATCC 9043 <-- R. L. Starkey 43.

NCBI tax ID(s): 353 (species)

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Azotobacter chroococcum 43 is a Gram-negative bacterium of the family Pseudomonadaceae.

  1. Gram-negative
  2. 16S sequence
  3. Bacteria
  4. genome sequence
  • Information on culture and growth conditions Culture and growth conditionsarrow_down
  • [Ref.: #1019] Culture medium
    [Ref.: #1019] Culture medium growth Yes
    [Ref.: #1019] Culture medium link Medium recipe at MediaDive MediaDive
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    Temperatures Kind of temperaturearrow to sort Temperaturearrow to sort
    [Ref.: #1019] growth 30  °C
    [Ref.: #67770] growth 25  °C

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