Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 97

Type strain: Yes

Species: Acholeplasma laidlawii

Strain Designation: PG 8, PG8

Strain history: CIP <- 1975, ATCC <- E.A. Freundt: strain PG8 <- Nat. Inst. Med. Res. A <- P.P. Laidlaw and W.J. Elford

NCBI tax ID(s): 2148 (species)

For citation purpose refer to the digital object identifier (doi) of the current version.
version 9.2 (current version):
version 9.1:
version 9:
version 8.1:
version 8:
version 7.1:
version 7:
version 6:
version 5:
version 4.1:
version 4:
version 3:
version 2.1:
version 2:
version 1:
version 9.2 (current version)


@ref: 16683

BacDive-ID: 97

DSM-Number: 23060

keywords: genome sequence, 16S sequence, Bacteria, mesophilic, Gram-negative, animal pathogen

description: Acholeplasma laidlawii PG 8 is a mesophilic, Gram-negative animal pathogen that was isolated from sewage.

NCBI tax id

  • NCBI tax id: 2148
  • Matching level: species

strain history

16683<- CIP; CIP 75.27 <- ATCC; ATCC 23206 <- Natl. Inst. Med. Res., London; PG 8 <- P. P. Laidlaw and W. J. Elford;
120550CIP <- 1975, ATCC <- E.A. Freundt: strain PG8 <- Nat. Inst. Med. Res. A <- P.P. Laidlaw and W.J. Elford

doi: 10.13145/bacdive97.20241212.9.2

Name and taxonomic classification


  • @ref: 20215
  • description: domain/bacteria
  • keyword: phylum/mycoplasmatota
  • domain: Bacteria
  • phylum: Mycoplasmatota
  • class: Mollicutes
  • order: Acholeplasmatales
  • family: Acholeplasmataceae
  • genus: Acholeplasma
  • species: Acholeplasma laidlawii
  • full scientific name: Acholeplasma laidlawii (Sabin 1941) Edward and Freundt 1970 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • synonyms

    • @ref: 20215
    • synonym: Sapromyces laidlawi

@ref: 16683

domain: Bacteria

phylum: Tenericutes

class: Mollicutes

order: Acholeplasmatales

family: Acholeplasmataceae

genus: Acholeplasma

species: Acholeplasma laidlawii

full scientific name: Acholeplasma laidlawii (Sabin 1941) Edward and Freundt 1970

strain designation: PG 8, PG8

type strain: yes


cell morphology

@refgram stainmotilityconfidence

colony morphology

  • @ref: 16683
  • incubation period: 1-2 days

Culture and growth conditions

culture medium

16683SP4-Z MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 1076b)yes SP4-Z MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 1076b) Composition: Agar 10.0 g/l Tryptone 10.0 g/l Bacto peptone 5.0 g/l PPLO broth 3.5 g/l Urea 2.0 g/l Glucose 1.0 g/l None 1.0 g/l Yeast extract 0.4 g/l DNA 0.2 g/l CMRL 1066 Fetal bovine serum Swine serum Distilled water
32774MEDIUM 88 - for Mycoplasma and AcholeplasmayesDistilled water make up to (670.000 ml);PPLO broth (17.000 g);Sterile supplement - M00273 (210.000 ml);Yeast extract solution 25 % - M00263 (100.000 ml);0.1 % Phenol red - M00387 (20.000 ml)
120550CIP Medium 88yes
120550CIP Medium 749yes

culture temp


Physiology and metabolism

spore formation

  • @ref: 69481
  • spore formation: no
  • confidence: 100

Isolation, sampling and environmental information


@refsample type
120550Environment, Sewage

isolation source categories

  • Cat1: #Engineered
  • Cat2: #Waste
  • Cat3: #Wastewater


  • @ref: 69479
  • File name: preview.99_34358.png
  • url:;96_702;97_820;98_951;99_34358&stattab=map
  • Last taxonomy: Acholeplasma laidlawii subclade
  • 16S sequence: U14905
  • Sequence Identity:
  • Total samples: 22
  • aquatic counts: 5
  • animal counts: 16
  • plant counts: 1

Safety information

risk assessment

@refpathogenicity animalbiosafety levelbiosafety level comment
16683yes2Risk group (German classification)
1205501Risk group (French classification)

Sequence information

16S sequences

@refdescriptionaccessionlengthdatabaseNCBI tax ID
20218Acholeplasma laidlawii 16S-23S ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequenceAF294996664nuccore2148
20218Acholeplasma laidlawii strain ATCC 23206 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; 16S-23S ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequenceAY740436769nuccore2148
20218Acholeplasma laidlawii strain ATCC 23206 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; 16S-23S ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequenceAY740437978nuccore2148
20218Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 ATCC 23206 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequenceU149051476nuccore2148

Genome sequences

@refdescriptionaccessionassembly leveldatabaseNCBI tax ID
66792Acholeplasma laidlawii DSM 23060GCA_003385765scaffoldncbi2148
66792Acholeplasma laidlawii NCTC10116GCA_900476025completencbi2148
66792Acholeplasma laidlawii strain DSM 230602148.14wgspatric2148
66792Acholeplasma laidlawii strain NCTC101162148.13completepatric2148
66792Acholeplasma laidlawii DSM 230602757320367draftimg2148
66792Acholeplasma laidlawii NCTC 101162826166747completeimg2148

Genome-based predictions


69481spore-formingspore-formingAbility to form endo- or exosporesno100no
69480gram-positivegram-positivePositive reaction to Gram-stainingyes64.384no
69480anaerobicanaerobicAbility to grow under anoxygenic conditions (including facultative anaerobes)no77.747no
69480aerobicaerobicAbility to grow under oxygenic conditions (including facultative aerobes)no90.005no
69480spore-formingspore-formingAbility to form endo- or exosporesno82.57no
69480thermophilicthermophileAbility to grow at temperatures above or equal to 45°Cno96.996no
69480flagellatedmotile2+Ability to perform flagellated movementno93no

External links

@ref: 16683

culture collection no.: DSM 23060, ATCC 23206, CIP 75.27, IFO (now NBRC) 14400, NCTC 10116, CCUG 32754

straininfo link

  • @ref: 69780
  • straininfo: 37937


Enzymology848216[Characterization of Acholeplasma Strains by Horizontal Polyacrylamide Flat Gel Electrophoresis (author's transl)].Boden K, Kirchhoff HZentralbl Bakteriol Orig A1977Acholeplasma/analysis/*classification, Animals, Bacterial Proteins/analysis, Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel/methods, Horses/microbiologyPhylogeny
Enzymology2326188Human ureaplasmas show diverse genome sizes by pulsed-field electrophoresis.Robertson JA, Pyle LE, Stemke GW, Finch LRNucleic Acids Res1990DNA, Bacterial/genetics/*isolation & purification, Electrophoresis, Agar Gel, *Genes, Bacterial, Humans, Molecular Weight, Mycoplasma/genetics, Restriction Mapping, Serotyping, Ureaplasma/*genetics/isolation & purificationPhylogeny10.1093/nar/18.6.1451
7373281Colony morphology, ultrastructure and morphogenesis in Mycoplasma hominis, Acholeplasma laidlawii and Ureaplasma urealyticum.Meloni GA, Bertoloni G, Busolo F, Conventi LJ Gen Microbiol1980Acholeplasma laidlawii/*ultrastructure, Clone Cells, Microscopy, Electron, Microscopy, Interference, Morphogenesis, Mycoplasma/*ultrastructure, Ureaplasma/*ultrastructure10.1099/00221287-116-2-435
Metabolism7655655[The phenotypic traits of Mollicutes as their possible phylogenetic markers].Skrypal' IH, Onyshchenko AM, Malynovs'ka LP, Tokovenko IP, Havrylko LOMikrobiol Z1995Fructose-Bisphosphatase/metabolism, Genetic Markers, Lectins/metabolism, N-Acetylneuraminic Acid, Phenotype, *Phylogeny, Sialic Acids/metabolism, Tenericutes/*genetics/metabolismPhylogeny
Phylogeny7663744Possible monosaccharide composition of glycopolymers located on the external side of membranes of cells of some mollicutes.Skripal' IG, Onishchenko AM, Gavrilko LOMikrobiol Z1995Cell Membrane/chemistry, Glycoproteins/analysis, Lectins, Monosaccharides/*analysis, Polysaccharides/analysis, Polysaccharides, Bacterial/*analysis, Species Specificity, Tenericutes/*chemistry
Enzymology20014143Sensitive and selective detection of mycoplasma in cell culture samples using cantilever sensors.Xu S, Sharma H, Mutharasan RBiotechnol Bioeng2010Acholeplasma laidlawii/*isolation & purification, Bacteriological Techniques/*methods, Biosensing Techniques/*methods, Calibration, Cell Culture Techniques/*methods, Cells, Cultured, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Escherichia coli, Linear Models, Sensitivity and SpecificityPhylogeny10.1002/bit.22637


16683Curators of the DSMZLeibniz Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSM 23060)
20215Parte, A.C., Sardà Carbasse, J., Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Reimer, L.C. and Göker, M.10.1099/ijsem.0.004332List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ
20218Verslyppe, B., De Smet, W., De Baets, B., De Vos, P., Dawyndt P.10.1016/j.syapm.2013.11.002StrainInfo introduces electronic passports for microorganisms.Syst Appl Microbiol. 37: 42-50 201424321274
32774Curators of the CIP
66792Julia Koblitz, Joaquim Sardà, Lorenz Christian Reimer, Boyke Bunk, Jörg Overmann annotated for the DiASPora project (Digital Approaches for the Synthesis of Poorly Accessible Biodiversity Information)
69479João F Matias Rodrigues, Janko Tackmann,Gregor Rot, Thomas SB Schmidt, Lukas Malfertheiner, Mihai Danaila,Marija Dmitrijeva, Daniela Gaio, Nicolas Näpflin and Christian von Mering. University of Zurich. 1.0 beta
69480Julia Koblitz, Joaquim Sardà, Lorenz Christian Reimer, Boyke Bunk, Jörg Overmann based on genome sequence made in the Diaspora project (Digital Approaches for the Synthesis of Poorly Accessible Biodiversity Information)
69481Xiao-Yin To, René Mreches, Martin Binder, Alice C. McHardy, Philipp C. Münch10.21203/ based on the model GenomeNet Sporulation v. 1
69780Reimer, L.C., Lissin, A.,Schober, I., Witte,J.F., Podstawka, A., Lüken, H., Bunk, B.,Overmann, J.10.60712/SI-ID37937.1StrainInfo: A central database for resolving microbial strain identifiers
120550Curators of the CIPCollection of Institut Pasteur (CIP 75.27)