Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 5403

Type strain: No

Species: Acetobacterium sp.

Strain history: <- B. Schink; Gra EG 12 (Acetobacterium woodii)

NCBI tax ID(s): 1872094 (species)

For citation purpose refer to the digital object identifier (doi) of the current version.
version 9.2 (current version):
version 9:
version 8.1:
version 8:
version 7.1:
version 7:
version 6:
version 5:
version 4.1:
version 4:
version 3:
version 2.1:
version 2:
version 1:
version 9.2 (current version)


@ref: 1074

BacDive-ID: 5403

DSM-Number: 2396

keywords: 16S sequence, Bacteria, anaerobe, mesophilic

description: Acetobacterium sp. DSM 2396 is an anaerobe, mesophilic bacterium that was isolated from mud.

NCBI tax id

  • NCBI tax id: 1872094
  • Matching level: species

strain history

  • @ref: 1074
  • history: <- B. Schink; Gra EG 12 (Acetobacterium woodii)

doi: 10.13145/bacdive5403.20241212.9.2

Name and taxonomic classification


  • @ref: 20215
  • description: domain/bacteria
  • keyword: phylum/bacillota
  • domain: Bacteria
  • phylum: Bacillota
  • class: Clostridia
  • order: Eubacteriales
  • family: Eubacteriaceae
  • genus: Acetobacterium
  • species: Acetobacterium sp.
  • full scientific name: Acetobacterium Balch et al. 1977 (Approved Lists 1980)

@ref: 1074

domain: Bacteria

phylum: Firmicutes

class: Clostridia

order: Clostridiales

family: Eubacteriaceae

genus: Acetobacterium

species: Acetobacterium sp.

full scientific name: Acetobacterium sp.

type strain: no

Culture and growth conditions

culture medium

  • @ref: 1074
  • growth: yes
  • link:
  • composition: Name: ACETOBACTERIUM MEDIUM (MARINE) (DSMZ Medium 135a) Composition: NaHCO3 4.89716 g/l Yeast extract 1.95886 g/l Ethylene glycol 1.22429 g/l NH4Cl 0.979432 g/l L-Cysteine HCl x H2O 0.489716 g/l Na2S x 9 H2O 0.489716 g/l K2HPO4 0.440744 g/l KH2PO4 0.323213 g/l MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.0587659 g/l Nitrilotriacetic acid 0.029383 g/l NaCl 0.0195886 g/l MnSO4 x H2O 0.00979432 g/l CoSO4 x 7 H2O 0.00352595 g/l ZnSO4 x 7 H2O 0.00352595 g/l FeSO4 x 7 H2O 0.00195886 g/l CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.00195886 g/l NiCl2 x 6 H2O 0.000587659 g/l Resazurin 0.000489716 g/l AlK(SO4)2 x 12 H2O 0.000391773 g/l CuSO4 x 5 H2O 0.000195886 g/l Na2MoO4 x 2 H2O 0.000195886 g/l H3BO3 0.000195886 g/l Pyridoxine hydrochloride 9.79432e-05 g/l (DL)-alpha-Lipoic acid 4.89716e-05 g/l Riboflavin 4.89716e-05 g/l Thiamine HCl 4.89716e-05 g/l Nicotinic acid 4.89716e-05 g/l Calcium D-(+)-pantothenate 4.89716e-05 g/l p-Aminobenzoic acid 4.89716e-05 g/l Biotin 1.95886e-05 g/l Folic acid 1.95886e-05 g/l Na2WO4 x 2 H2O 7.83546e-06 g/l Na2SeO3 x 5 H2O 5.87659e-06 g/l Vitamin B12 9.79432e-07 g/l Distilled water

culture temp

  • @ref: 1074
  • growth: positive
  • type: growth
  • temperature: 30

Physiology and metabolism

oxygen tolerance

  • @ref: 1074
  • oxygen tolerance: anaerobe

Isolation, sampling and environmental information


  • @ref: 1074
  • sample type: mud
  • geographic location: Venice, Canale Grande
  • country: Italy
  • ITA
  • continent: Europe

isolation source categories

  • Cat1: #Environmental
  • Cat2: #Terrestrial
  • Cat3: #Mud (Sludge)

Sequence information

16S sequences

  • @ref: 20218
  • description: Acetobacterium woodii strain DSM 2396 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; 16S-23S ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
  • accession: DQ834685
  • length: 511
  • database: nuccore
  • NCBI tax ID: 33952

External links

@ref: 1074

culture collection no.: DSM 2396, Gra EG 12

straininfo link

  • @ref: 74893
  • straininfo: 47612


1074Curators of the DSMZLeibniz Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSM 2396)
20215Parte, A.C., Sardà Carbasse, J., Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Reimer, L.C. and Göker, M.10.1099/ijsem.0.004332List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ
20218Verslyppe, B., De Smet, W., De Baets, B., De Vos, P., Dawyndt P.10.1016/j.syapm.2013.11.002StrainInfo introduces electronic passports for microorganisms.Syst Appl Microbiol. 37: 42-50 201424321274
74893Reimer, L.C., Lissin, A.,Schober, I., Witte,J.F., Podstawka, A., Lüken, H., Bunk, B.,Overmann, J.10.60712/SI-ID47612.1StrainInfo: A central database for resolving microbial strain identifiers