Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 4171

Type strain: Yes

Species: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. uniflagellum

Strain Designation: SR-1, LS

Strain history: <- Irma Nydia Castaneda-Carrion, Univ. of Oklahoma, USA

NCBI tax ID(s): 1511599 (subspecies)

For citation purpose refer to the digital object identifier (doi) of the current version.
version 9.2 (current version):
version 9:
version 8.1:
version 8:
version 7.1:
version 7:
version 6:
version 5:
version 4.1:
version 4:
version 3:
version 2.1:
version 2:
version 1:
version 9.2 (current version)


@ref: 17409

BacDive-ID: 4171

DSM-Number: 23860

keywords: 16S sequence, Bacteria, anaerobe, mesophilic, motile, vibrio-shaped

description: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. uniflagellum SR-1 is an anaerobe, mesophilic, motile bacterium that was isolated from subsurface aquifer sediment.

NCBI tax id

  • NCBI tax id: 1511599
  • Matching level: subspecies

strain history

17409<- JCM <- I.M. Castañeda-Carrión, Dept. Botany and Microbiol., Univ. Oklahoma, USA; SR-1
67770I. N. Castañeda-Carrión SR-1.
67771<- Irma Nydia Castaneda-Carrion, Univ. of Oklahoma, USA

doi: 10.13145/bacdive4171.20241212.9.2

Name and taxonomic classification


  • @ref: 20215
  • description: domain/bacteria
  • keyword: phylum/pseudomonadota
  • domain: Bacteria
  • phylum: Pseudomonadota
  • class: Deltaproteobacteria
  • order: Desulfovibrionales
  • family: Desulfovibrionaceae
  • genus: Desulfocurvibacter
  • species: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. uniflagellum
  • full scientific name: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. uniflagellum (Castañeda-Carrión et al. 2010) Spring et al. 2019
  • synonyms

    • @ref: 20215
    • synonym: Desulfovibrio africanus subsp. uniflagellum

@ref: 17409

domain: Bacteria

phylum: Proteobacteria

class: Deltaproteobacteria

order: Desulfovibrionales

family: Desulfovibrionaceae

genus: Desulfocurvibacter

species: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. uniflagellum

full scientific name: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. uniflagellum (Campbell et al. 1966) Spring et al. 2019

strain designation: SR-1, LS

type strain: yes


cell morphology

@refcell lengthcell widthcell shapemotilityflagellum arrangementgram stain
232183.5 µm0.5 µmvibrio-shapedyespolar
67771yesmonotrichous, polar

Culture and growth conditions

culture medium

  • @ref: 17409
  • growth: yes
  • link:
  • composition: Name: DESULFOVIBRIO (POSTGATE) MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 63) Composition: MgSO4 x 7 H2O 2.0 g/l Na-DL-lactate 2.0 g/l NH4Cl 1.0 g/l Yeast extract 1.0 g/l Na2SO4 1.0 g/l FeSO4 x 7 H2O 0.5 g/l K2HPO4 0.5 g/l CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.1 g/l Na-thioglycolate 0.1 g/l Ascorbic acid 0.1 g/l Sodium resazurin 0.0005 g/l Distilled water

culture temp


culture pH


Physiology and metabolism

oxygen tolerance

@refoxygen tolerance


  • @ref: 23218
  • salt: NaCl
  • growth: positive
  • tested relation: growth
  • concentration: 0-4.25 %

metabolite utilization

  • @ref: 23218
  • Chebi-ID: 17632
  • metabolite: nitrate
  • utilization activity: -
  • kind of utilization tested: electron acceptor

Isolation, sampling and environmental information


@refsample typegeographic locationcountryorigin.countrycontinent
17409subsurface aquifer sedimentNew Mexico, ShiprockUSAUSANorth America
23218subsurface sediments of a uranium-contaminated site in Shiprock
67770Subsurface sediments of a uranium-contaminated site in ShiprockNMUSAUSANorth America
67771From subsurface sediments of a uranium contaminated aquiferNew Mexico, ShiprockUSAUSANorth America

isolation source categories



  • @ref: 69479
  • File name: preview.99_4979.png
  • url:;96_2440;97_2973;98_3723;99_4979&stattab=map
  • Last taxonomy: Desulfocurvibacter africanus subclade
  • 16S sequence: EU659693
  • Sequence Identity:
  • Total samples: 723
  • soil counts: 228
  • aquatic counts: 198
  • animal counts: 197
  • plant counts: 100

Safety information

risk assessment

  • @ref: 17409
  • biosafety level: 1
  • biosafety level comment: Risk group (German classification)

Sequence information

16S sequences

@refdescriptionaccessiondatabaselengthNCBI tax ID
23218Desulfovibrio africanus subsp. uniflagellum strain SR-1 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequenceEU659693nuccore
17409Plexaura flexuosa isolate ML-D-41 18S ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer 1, partial sequenceEF659693nuccore251437162

GC content

6777062.4high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

External links

@ref: 17409

culture collection no.: DSM 23860, JCM 15510, KCTC 5649

straininfo link

  • @ref: 73673
  • straininfo: 408171


17409Curators of the DSMZLeibniz Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSM 23860)
20215Parte, A.C., Sardà Carbasse, J., Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Reimer, L.C. and Göker, M.10.1099/ijsem.0.004332List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ
23218I. Nydia Castaneda-Carrión, Cody S. Sheik, Lee R. Krumholz10.1099/ijs.0.006668-0Desulfovibrio africanus subsp. uniflagellum subsp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium from a uranium-contaminated subsurface aquiferIJSEM 60: 880-886 201019661495
67770Curators of the JCM
67771Curators of the KCTC
69479João F Matias Rodrigues, Janko Tackmann,Gregor Rot, Thomas SB Schmidt, Lukas Malfertheiner, Mihai Danaila,Marija Dmitrijeva, Daniela Gaio, Nicolas Näpflin and Christian von Mering. University of Zurich. 1.0 beta
73673Reimer, L.C., Lissin, A.,Schober, I., Witte,J.F., Podstawka, A., Lüken, H., Bunk, B.,Overmann, J.10.60712/SI-ID408171.1StrainInfo: A central database for resolving microbial strain identifiers