Strain identifier
BacDive ID: 140964
Type strain:
Species: Bacillus mobilis
Strain Designation: 0711P9-1
Strain history: CIP <- 2017, LMG <- 2015, L. Yang, Third Inst. of Ocean., Fujian Province, Xiamen, China: strain 0711P9-1
NCBI tax ID(s): 2026190 (species)
@ref: 43860
BacDive-ID: 140964
keywords: genome sequence, 16S sequence, Bacteria, facultative anaerobe, spore-forming, Gram-positive, motile, rod-shaped, colony-forming
description: Bacillus mobilis 0711P9-1 is a facultative anaerobe, spore-forming, Gram-positive bacterium that forms circular colonies and was isolated from sediment of the Indian Ocean.
NCBI tax id
- NCBI tax id: 2026190
- Matching level: species
strain history
@ref | history |
67771 | <- Yang Liu, The Third Institute of State Oceanic Administration(SOA) |
120988 | CIP <- 2017, LMG <- 2015, L. Yang, Third Inst. of Ocean., Fujian Province, Xiamen, China: strain 0711P9-1 |
doi: 10.13145/bacdive140964.20240916.9.1
Name and taxonomic classification
- @ref: 20215
- description: domain/bacteria
- keyword: phylum/bacillota
- domain: Bacteria
- phylum: Bacillota
- class: Bacilli
- order: Caryophanales
- family: Bacillaceae
- genus: Bacillus
- species: Bacillus mobilis
- full scientific name: Bacillus mobilis Liu et al. 2017
@ref: 43860
domain: Bacteria
phylum: Firmicutes
class: Bacilli
order: Caryophanales
family: Bacillaceae
genus: Bacillus
species: Bacillus mobilis
strain designation: 0711P9-1
type strain: yes
cell morphology
@ref | gram stain | cell length | cell width | cell shape | motility | flagellum arrangement |
43860 | positive | 2.5-3.2 µm | 1.2-1.6 µm | rod-shaped | yes | peritrichous |
67771 | positive | |||||
120988 | positive | rod-shaped | yes |
colony morphology
- @ref: 43860
- colony size: 2-3 mm
- colony color: milk white
- colony shape: circular
- incubation period: 2 days
- medium used: Luria-Bertani agar
Culture and growth conditions
culture medium
@ref | name | growth | link |
43860 | LB (Luria-Bertani) MEDIUM | yes | |
43860 | Trypticase soy agar | yes | |
120988 | CIP Medium 72 | yes | |
culture temp
@ref | growth | type | temperature |
43860 | positive | growth | 10-39 |
43860 | positive | optimum | 30 |
67771 | positive | growth | 28 |
culture pH
@ref | ability | type | pH | PH range |
43860 | positive | growth | 5.0-10.0 | alkaliphile |
43860 | positive | optimum | 7 |
Physiology and metabolism
oxygen tolerance
@ref | oxygen tolerance |
43860 | facultative anaerobe |
67771 | aerobe |
spore formation
- @ref: 43860
- spore description: central elliptical endospore
- type of spore: endospore
- spore formation: yes
@ref | salt | growth | tested relation | concentration |
43860 | NaCl | positive | growth | 0-9 %(w/v) |
43860 | NaCl | positive | optimum | 0 %(w/v) |
metabolite utilization
@ref | Chebi-ID | metabolite | utilization activity | kind of utilization tested |
43860 | 16808 | 2-dehydro-D-gluconate | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 58143 | 5-dehydro-D-gluconate | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 27613 | amygdalin | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 22599 | arabinose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17057 | cellobiose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 15963 | ribitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17108 | D-arabinose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 18333 | D-arabitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 15824 | D-fructose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 28847 | D-fucose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 12936 | D-galactose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 62318 | D-lyxose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 16899 | D-mannitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 16024 | D-mannose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17924 | D-sorbitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 16443 | D-tagatose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 65327 | D-xylose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 16813 | galactitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17113 | erythritol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 28066 | gentiobiose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17234 | glucose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17754 | glycerol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17268 | myo-inositol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 15443 | inulin | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 30849 | L-arabinose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 18403 | L-arabitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 18287 | L-fucose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 62345 | L-rhamnose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17266 | L-sorbose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 65328 | L-xylose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17716 | lactose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 29864 | mannitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 6731 | melezitose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 28053 | melibiose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 320061 | methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 43943 | methyl alpha-D-mannoside | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 74863 | methyl beta-D-xylopyranoside | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 506227 | N-acetylglucosamine | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 32032 | potassium gluconate | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 16634 | raffinose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 26546 | rhamnose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 30911 | sorbitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17992 | sucrose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 27082 | trehalose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 32528 | turanose | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 17151 | xylitol | - | builds acid from |
43860 | 18305 | arbutin | + | builds acid from |
43860 | 17634 | D-glucose | + | builds acid from |
43860 | 16988 | D-ribose | + | builds acid from |
43860 | esculin ferric citrate | + | builds acid from | |
43860 | 28087 | glycogen | + | builds acid from |
43860 | 17306 | maltose | + | builds acid from |
43860 | 17814 | salicin | + | builds acid from |
43860 | 28017 | starch | + | builds acid from |
43860 | 16947 | citrate | + | carbon source |
43860 | casein | + | hydrolysis | |
43860 | skimmed milk | + | hydrolysis | |
43860 | 28017 | starch | + | hydrolysis |
metabolite production
@ref | Chebi-ID | metabolite | production |
43860 | 16136 | hydrogen sulfide | no |
43860 | 35581 | indole | no |
43860 | 15688 | acetoin | yes |
metabolite tests
- @ref: 43860
- Chebi-ID: 15688
- metabolite: acetoin
- voges-proskauer-test: +
@ref | value | activity | ec |
43860 | catalase | + | |
43860 | cytochrome oxidase | + | |
43860 | arginine dihydrolase | - | |
43860 | gelatinase | + | |
43860 | beta-galactosidase | + | |
43860 | lysine decarboxylase | - | |
43860 | ornithine decarboxylase | - | |
43860 | urease | - | |
43860 | tryptophan deaminase | - | |
fatty acid profile
fatty acids
@ref fatty acid percentage 43860 C13:0 anteiso 1.8 43860 C15:0 anteiso 6.5 43860 C17:0 anteiso 3.2 43860 C17:1 anteiso A 1 43860 C12:0 1.8 43860 C14:0 3.6 43860 C16:0 16.7 43860 C16:1ω11c 1.3 43860 C16:1ω7c / C15:0 iso 2OH 6.6 43860 C16:1ω7c alcohol 1.7 43860 C18:0 3.4 43860 C18:1ω9c 3 43860 C12:0 iso 1.9 43860 C13:0 iso 4.9 43860 C14:0 iso 5.4 43860 C15:0 iso 10.8 43860 C16:0 iso 9.1 43860 C17:0 iso 6 43860 C17:1 iso I /C17:1 anteiso B 5.6 43860 C17:1 iso ω10c 2.4 - type of FA analysis: whole cell analysis
- incubation medium: Tripticase soy agar
- agar/liquid: agar
- incubation temperature: 28
- software version: Sherlock 6.0B
- library/peak naming table: TSBA 6.0
- system: MIS MIDI
- instrument: Agilent 6850 gas chromatograph
- cutoff value:
Isolation, sampling and environmental information
@ref | sample type | geographic location | country | continent | | isolation date |
43860 | sediment of the Indian Ocean | |||||
67771 | From sediments | the Indian Ocean | Indian Ocean | Asia | ||
120988 | Environment, Sediments | Indian Ocean | India | Asia | IND | 2008-01-02 |
isolation source categories
Cat1 | Cat2 | Cat3 |
#Environmental | #Aquatic | #Marine |
#Environmental | #Aquatic | #Sediment |
- @ref: 69479
- File name: preview.99_26.png
- url:;96_21;97_22;98_25;99_26&stattab=map
- Last taxonomy: Bacillus
- 16S sequence: KJ812449
- Sequence Identity:
- Total samples: 4969
- soil counts: 1920
- aquatic counts: 446
- animal counts: 1524
- plant counts: 1079
Safety information
risk assessment
- @ref: 120988
- biosafety level: 1
- biosafety level comment: Risk group (French classification)
Sequence information
16S sequences
- @ref: 43860
- description: Bacillus mobilis strain MCCC 1A05942 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
- accession: KJ812449
- database: nuccore
Genome sequences
- @ref: 66792
- description: Bacillus mobilis 0711P9-1
- accession: GCA_001884045
- assembly level: contig
- database: ncbi
- NCBI tax ID: 2026190
GC content
- @ref: 43860
- GC-content: 35.3
- method: genome sequence analysis
Genome-based predictions
@ref | trait | model | description | prediction | confidence | training_data |
69480 | gram-positive | gram-positive | Positive reaction to Gram-staining | yes | 75.758 | yes |
69480 | anaerobic | anaerobic | Ability to grow under anoxygenic conditions (including facultative anaerobes) | no | 93.322 | no |
69480 | aerobic | aerobic | Ability to grow under oxygenic conditions (including facultative aerobes) | no | 50.416 | no |
69480 | spore-forming | spore-forming | Ability to form endo- or exospores | yes | 87.067 | no |
69480 | thermophilic | thermophile | Ability to grow at temperatures above or equal to 45°C | no | 93.757 | no |
69480 | flagellated | motile2+ | Ability to perform flagellated movement | yes | 84.431 | yes |
External links
@ref: 43860
culture collection no.: MCCC 1A05942, KCTC 33717, LMG 28877, NBRC 113918, CIP 111457
- topic: Phylogeny
- Pubmed-ID: 28792367
- title: Proposal of nine novel species of the Bacillus cereus group.
- authors: Liu Y, Du J, Lai Q, Zeng R, Ye D, Xu J, Shao Z
- journal: Int J Syst Evol Microbiol
- DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.001821
- year: 2017
- mesh: Bacillus/*classification, Bacterial Typing Techniques, DNA, Bacterial/genetics, DNA, Ribosomal/genetics, Multilocus Sequence Typing, Nucleic Acid Hybridization, *Phylogeny, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics, Sequence Analysis, DNA
- topic2: Transcriptome
@id | authors | title | doi/url | journal | pubmed | catalogue |
20215 | Parte, A.C., Sardà Carbasse, J., Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Reimer, L.C. and Göker, M. | List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ | 10.1099/ijsem.0.004332 | |||
43860 | Yang Liu, Juan Du, Qiliang Lai, Runying Zeng, Dezan Ye, Jun Xu, Zongze Shao | Proposal of nine novel species of the Bacillus cereus group | 10.1099/ijsem.0.001821 | IJSEM 67: 2499-2508 2017 | 28792367 | |
66792 | Julia Koblitz, Joaquim Sardà, Lorenz Christian Reimer, Boyke Bunk, Jörg Overmann | Automatically annotated for the DiASPora project (Digital Approaches for the Synthesis of Poorly Accessible Biodiversity Information) | | |||
67771 | Curators of the KCTC | | ||||
69479 | João F Matias Rodrigues, Janko Tackmann,Gregor Rot, Thomas SB Schmidt, Lukas Malfertheiner, Mihai Danaila,Marija Dmitrijeva, Daniela Gaio, Nicolas Näpflin and Christian von Mering. University of Zurich. | MicrobeAtlas 1.0 beta | | |||
69480 | Julia Koblitz, Joaquim Sardà, Lorenz Christian Reimer, Boyke Bunk, Jörg Overmann | Predictions based on genome sequence made in the Diaspora project (Digital Approaches for the Synthesis of Poorly Accessible Biodiversity Information) | | |||
120988 | Curators of the CIP | | Collection of Institut Pasteur (CIP 111457) |