Strain identifier

BacDive ID: 132413

Type strain: Yes

Species: Acetobacter musti

Strain Designation: Bo7

Strain history: <- I. Pardo, Univ. Valencia, Campus Burjasot, Spain; Bo7 <- R. Mañes-Lázaro

NCBI tax ID(s): 864732 (species)

For citation purpose refer to the digital object identifier (doi) of the current version.
version 9.2 (current version):
version 9:
version 8.1:
version 8:
version 7.1:
version 7:
version 6:
version 5:
version 4.1:
version 4:
version 3:
version 2.1:
version 2:
version 1:
version 9.2 (current version)


@ref: 24202

BacDive-ID: 132413

DSM-Number: 23824

keywords: 16S sequence, Bacteria, mesophilic, Gram-negative, motile, coccus-shaped, colony-forming

description: Acetobacter musti Bo7 is a mesophilic, Gram-negative, motile bacterium that forms circular colonies and was isolated from Bobal grape must.

NCBI tax id

  • NCBI tax id: 864732
  • Matching level: species

strain history

  • @ref: 24202
  • history: <- I. Pardo, Univ. Valencia, Campus Burjasot, Spain; Bo7 <- R. Mañes-Lázaro

doi: 10.13145/bacdive132413.20241212.9.2

Name and taxonomic classification


  • @ref: 20215
  • description: domain/bacteria
  • keyword: phylum/pseudomonadota
  • domain: Bacteria
  • phylum: Pseudomonadota
  • class: Alphaproteobacteria
  • order: Rhodospirillales
  • family: Acetobacteraceae
  • genus: Acetobacter
  • species: Acetobacter musti
  • full scientific name: Acetobacter musti Ferrer et al. 2016

@ref: 24202

domain: Bacteria

phylum: Proteobacteria

class: Alphaproteobacteria

order: Rhizobiales

family: Acetobacteraceae

genus: Acetobacter

species: Acetobacter musti

full scientific name: Acetobacter musti Ferrer et al. 2016

strain designation: Bo7

type strain: yes


cell morphology

  • @ref: 43764
  • gram stain: negative
  • cell length: 1.2-1.7 µm
  • cell width: 1.2 µm
  • cell shape: coccus-shaped
  • motility: yes

colony morphology

  • @ref: 43764
  • colony size: 0.5 mm
  • colony color: Pale yellow
  • colony shape: circular
  • incubation period: 4 days
  • medium used: MLO agar

Culture and growth conditions

culture medium

43764MLO agaryes
24202ACETOBACTER MUSTI MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 1603)yes ACETOBACTER MUSTI MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 1603) Composition: Agar 20.0 g/l Glucose 10.0 g/l Yeast extract 10.0 g/l Distilled water

culture temp

  • @ref: 24202
  • growth: positive
  • type: growth
  • temperature: 28

Physiology and metabolism

metabolite utilization

@refChebi-IDmetaboliteutilization activitykind of utilization tested
43764maltose hydrate-growth
4376465327D-xylose+carbon source
4376417754glycerol+carbon source
4376431206ammonium chloride+nitrogen source


43764cytochrome oxidase-

fatty acid profile

  • fatty acids

    @reffatty acidpercentage
    43764C12:0 3OH4.4
    43764C18:1ω7c / C18:1ω6c80.8
    4376411-methyl C18:1ω7c5.3
    43764unknown 18.846 / C19:1ω6c & C19:0&omeg1.6
  • type of FA analysis: whole cell analysis
  • incubation medium: MLO plates
  • agar/liquid: liquid
  • incubation temperature: 28
  • incubation time: 2
  • incubation_oxygen: aerobic
  • library/peak naming table: TSBA6
  • system: MIS MIDI
  • instrument: Agilent 6850
  • cutoff value:

Isolation, sampling and environmental information


@refsample typegeographic locationcountryorigin.countrycontinentisolation date
24202Bobal grape mustUtiel-RequenaSpainESPEurope
43764Bobal grape mustUtiel requenaSpainESPEurope2005

isolation source categories

#Host Body-Site#Plant#Fruit (Seed)
#Host#Plants#Shrub (Scrub)
#Host Body Product#Plant#Juice (natural)

Safety information

risk assessment

  • @ref: 24202
  • biosafety level: 1
  • biosafety level comment: Risk group (German classification)

Sequence information

16S sequences

  • @ref: 24202
  • description: Acetobacter musti strain Bo7 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
  • accession: HM162854
  • length: 1434
  • database: nuccore
  • NCBI tax ID: 864732

GC content

4376458Thermal denaturation, fluorometry

External links

@ref: 24202

culture collection no.: DSM 23824, CECT 7722

straininfo link

  • @ref: 90753
  • straininfo: 402218


  • topic: Phylogeny
  • Pubmed-ID: 26637821
  • title: Acetobacter musti sp. nov., isolated from Bobal grape must.
  • authors: Ferrer S, Manes-Lazaro R, Benavent-Gil Y, Yepez A, Pardo I
  • journal: Int J Syst Evol Microbiol
  • DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.000818
  • year: 2015


20215Parte, A.C., Sardà Carbasse, J., Meier-Kolthoff, J.P., Reimer, L.C. and Göker, M.List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) moves to the DSMZ10.1099/ijsem.0.004332
24202Curators of the DSMZ Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH (DSM 23824)
43764Sergi Ferrer, Rosario Manes-Lázaro, Yaiza Benavent-Gil, Alba Yépez and Isabel PardoAcetobacter musti sp. nov., isolated from Bobal grape must10.1099/ijsem.0.000818IJSEM 66: 957-961 201626637821
90753Reimer, L.C., Lissin, A.,Schober, I., Witte,J.F., Podstawka, A., Lüken, H., Bunk, B.,Overmann, J.StrainInfo: A central database for resolving microbial strain identifiers10.60712/SI-ID402218.1